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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day - May

It's the 15th of the Month.  Time to join Carol at May Dreams Gardens and many other Garden Bloggers in the joy of posting pictures of our gardens in bloom.  Although not part of this for very long I look fwd to it each and every month.  Hoping that each post I will get to show something different that is in bloom.  Although there are new blooms this month some are on plants featured last month.  But it doesn't matter. So to start the show we will begin with the houseplants.
 Not a new addition to the blog but the Polka Dot plants are blooming again.  This time a Purple color instead of Pink.
 A Spring Cactus.  Such pretty and different flowers.  These guys close up at night and open again each morning.
Another old timer is the Spider plant flowers.  Only difference this time is this particular flower is on my newer younger Ocean spider plant.
Here is a picture of the whole Ocean spider.  Very different variety from my other spider plant.

With the Houseplants in bloom taken care of it's time to head outside and take a look at what is going on.

 Although still a bud it's worth showing off.  The Peony's are gearing up for their show.
 Another bud worth showing off is from one of my rose bushes....2 of the 3 older ones have buds on them.
 This rose bush is new this year...Tiddly Winks.
 One of my new columbine.  Such pretty delicate flowers.
 The other new Columbine.
 Found growing in the gardens this year was this extreme miniature plant from the Narcissus family known as Jonquilla.
 Another bud begging to be shown is the Iris.  After watching the leaves grow it was a great joy and surprise to find that many are now sporting buds.
 Silly Pansy plant decided that it really liked IrishGardens and came back this year.  Although the foliage is very sparse the flowers are not.
 The other Pansy plant that came back.  There were 4 and although the other 2 show some signs of foliage only 2 have truly come back and bloomed.
 Lily of the Valley.  These were transplanted from my Mothers Garden.  They survived the transplant well and still bloomed.
 The latest in the Hope Blooms Tulips to show off it's color.
 Just cause I love the way they look more of the Tulips.
 A new container I planted Mothers Day.  Containing a Mini Rose bush....with Apricot blooms and a Brazilian Jasmine vine with pink blooms.
 Although hard to see a areal view of my Garden in the front.  I call it the Rose garden as to the left and still part of the garden is my 3 main rose bushes.  but the Columbine, Lily of the Valley, and Tulips and Daffodils are also located in this garden and picture.

Looking down at the gardens show a lot of beauty but now lets take a look up....at the Show stoppers.
 Although not quite high enough to look up at the Magnolia tree is looking good and it's single bloom is a real joy to see.
 Simple yet beautiful one of my Dogwood tree's is in full bloom now.
 Beautiful doesn't begin to describe this Lilac tree....the smell of the blooms alerts visitors to it's presence long before the sight does.
Nestled in the back by the Gas tanks is what I believe to be a Crabapple tree in full bloom.  So incredibly beautiful.  If it wasn't part of the big shaded area in the back yard that seems to house the mosquito's it would be my thinking spot.

So thats my May edition of Garden Bloggers Bloom Day.  I hope you like what you saw.  If not oh well I did.

Each Month Carol Hosts this beautiful meme over at May Dreams Gardens and hundreds join in.  So to see more blooming Garden's stop on over and take a hour or so to click through the virtual Gardens.


  1. Lovely blooms - I look forward to seeing that Iris when it opens up!

  2. You have a lot blooming, inside and out. Happy GBBD.

  3. I can smell the garden from here. Nice post and Blog.

  4. Those columbine are great. Just loved them back in WI. I think we have a couple of them here, but none to show yet. Matti

  5. Wow, lovely blooms. :) I can only imagine how wonderful the smell of the lilac tree must be. Amazing!

  6. Everything is lovely...the columbines are so pretty! Happy GBBD Day!

  7. Great post... especially that cactus which is amazing! Surely looks like you are well into spring! L


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