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My Garden although it may be small is my garden. I love working in the garden and showing or telling others about it. While you are here take a look around. There is a lot to see. Take a look at the other blogs I love to read. Leave a comment if you like. But most of all. Enjoy your time here, and come back soon.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Blogging dilemma

I love my blog.  I love writing about what is going on in my gardens and sometimes other things.  Actually I just love to write.  I always have.  But thats neither here nor there.  My big dilemma of the day is simply this - what should I do when I like someone else's idea and want to post about it?  Silly I am sure but think about it.

My sister has a great blog that started as a place to put her cooking adventures.  So to speak.  I can't remember how it started but she wanted to try a new recipe every day for a month and did...then My Side of Life was born.  A few months after she started her blog I started mine.  She's my younger sister but it sorta felt like I was copying her.  Granted my blog is about the garden and hers started as cooking but also has garden stuff and so much more.  So if I have a recipe that I like and want to pass on I feel funny adding it to my blog.  But she is a guest author on here.  She has a wonderful garden out in CA and posts about it. Hence asking her to join me in telling others about gardening.

Then there are blogs or post like ONG has.  His post about his peony made me want to post about mine.  Instead I wrote a comment on his blog.  Is there a waiting period before I can post about mine with out it looking like I stole his idea?

Then there is one of my favorite blogs to read May Dreams Gardens.  I love her witty humor and posts about Fairies.  In fact I loved it so much that I sorta used her idea but with birds not fairies.  Is that steeling? Other in this post now does she get the credit for the idea?

Or how about Heather's Garden and her post about Iris this morning.  I have the same Iris in my yard and would love to post about them if not to show her that I have some that are the same coloring.  Or would that be rude.

Thinking about all this gives me a headache.  Course then I look at those blogs with good idea's and see that either they have been blogging years longer than me or they have hundreds of followers unlike my small 41.  Do the blogs I read read my blog?  Would they even notice? I have no answer to this question but regardless of a lack of answer I will continue blogging and hope I don't step on any toes.  I will post about my

Bowl of Beauty Peony.  Even if it doesn't look like the catalog pictures or like the one in ONG's garden. Because it doesn't look like his and I love the way it looks.

And I will post about my
Pretty Iris because they are just so pretty like Heather said.

I will post about foods I cook but most likely only if I used something I grew. But what happens when I see someone else using an idea I used on my blog?

Easy due to my lack of readers I will jump for joy.  But until then I guess I will just post about what I want to post about.  Like my Rose of Sharon...
But you'll have to wait till later as the post isn't ready yet.  But it's gonna be a good one.  I can tell. And you know what?  Not everyone started with over a hundred readers so I may catch up.  If not....thats ok too.  My thoughts are out there and available to those who would like to read it.  Steady readers doesn't a good blog make.  It's the passion and content that makes a good blog.

1 comment:

  1. I see nothing wrong with borrowing ideas. I try to keep mine unique and I have seen posts very similar to what I posted, say the day before and there is nothing wrong with that. Many of us have the same flowers blooming, the same pests in the garden, the save stories about gnomes, fairies and other goblins. The same birds, insects and critters. As for your wondering who reads your blog, I visit many that do not come by my blog. It is just a fact of life.


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