Welcome - come enjoy my Garden with me

My Garden although it may be small is my garden. I love working in the garden and showing or telling others about it. While you are here take a look around. There is a lot to see. Take a look at the other blogs I love to read. Leave a comment if you like. But most of all. Enjoy your time here, and come back soon.

The Harvesting Edible Garden Tour

Welcome one and all. As many of us already participate in different blogs monthy posts I wanted to add one. So welcome to The Harvesting Edible Garden Tour

What is it?

Glad you asked....Every month we will create a post of different plants that are currently harvesting in our Edible Garden.

What is an Edible Garden?

Another good question. An Edible Garden is actually just what is says it is a garden where what is growing with in can be eaten. Fruits, Herbs, Vegetables, and Flowers

Granted not all Flowers are edible but there are some that are.

So On the 21st of every month lets get a post together about what is harvesting in our gardens that month. Show us a picture of the plant and the harvest.

Not quite harvest ready yet? Hey thats ok let us see that edible plant anyways.

Look for the post to add your link each month.  Want to show you participate?  Here is a button you can post on your own site.
<div align="center"><a href="http://irishladysgarden.blogspot.com" title="My Garden, My Hobbies" target="_blank"><img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhylgssETAXMZvsjMWPj7F14CstDkNzifvm76UQfa3n-eCMAJcL1t_7AzL7xLrGErW7D8eFxrNeKpBFx2Xy3VmcDXXCmze4dYlf5xDdHak5NzctqxDNCWV6TVtzKR-zBZWTAx0XON9Gr-8/s320/frame-flower-border-12801.jpg" alt="My Garden, My Hobbies" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Links to the Harvesting Edible Garden Tour posts


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