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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Good guys or bad?

So my faithful readers I need help.  I have these bugs that just love my young Rose of Sharon bushes.  They don't seem to be eating it just hanging out on the stems but I would love to know what they are.  Especially because I have now found them in 3 different colors.
 A blueish aqua color.  Very pretty if you ask me.  This guy was far less shy than some of the others.
 Purple.  I have a lot of these and they are more shy than the blue guy.  They see the camera and start to magically rotate on the stem away from the camera.  
This guy I have the most of.  Mr Green dude.  He looks like a leaf but then again so do the others.  They all just seem to hang out on the stems like they are in the pictures.  Mr Green dude is the shyest of them all as it is hard to get a picture of him.  I have to set the camera up for close and quickly but stealthy move in focus the shot and take it.  Most of the time I get just a stem.

So can anyone help me out here and tell me if these guys are good guys or bad ones?  I like looking at them as they are kinda cool looking especially now that I have found a 3rd color.  The green and purple have been around but the blue...he's new.

Help Help let me know.


  1. I don't know what they are. I hope they're not there to lay eggs that will hatch and munch. That's what the pretty white butterflies do to peaches!

  2. I've got no idea either, but have you tried iSpot? That might be useful...

    (Mother Nature listened to my blog too - we had rain overnight. Not a lot, but some...)

  3. Awesome pictures!The little bugs look interesting and I don;t think the could cause any damage to your garden

  4. I also have those bugs since I started gardening. I think they will not do anything to your plants because here in my garden there are no plants has been damage ever since they are keep hanging out here.

  5. Hi! I think it’s a good bug otherwise if it’s a bad one, your plant must have been eaten already. I will research the internet as to the name of this insect and will tell you later what it is.


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