Spring is the season where everything is waking up from it's long winter's nap. Every day there seems to be a new bud opening on the flowering trees. Or maybe it is another bush finally showing signs of life. Everything wakes at it's own pace. Spring never seems to look the same from one day to the next. Here are a few examples in my own yard.
On March 16th this is what one of my Dogwood Tree's looked like close up.
Today April 26th this is what it looks like. Not a big difference but a noticeable one.
On February 26th my Oregano in the Greenhouse looked like this.
As of April 24th it looks like this. Almost a different plant.
My little Lilac tree looked very dull on March 6th.
Ahhh but not on April 24th. Lots of life is showing on this small little tree.
March 12 the Forsythia bush showed very little signs of any kind of growth.
A month later on April 14th the beginnings of it's signature yellow flowers started to show.
And 6 days later on April 20th the bush is now is full bloom.
The 22nd of March showed signs of the Garlic Chives growing outside the greenhouse were alive and beginning to grow.
A month later on April 25th, it's almost time to harvest those Chives.
Inside the house on March 24th a mixed plant pot was looking very good.
But a few short weeks later on April 11th that same mixed pot is beginning to look a little crowded.
April 26th brought big change to that same pot as the palm needed to be removed due to lack of room.
March 25th showed that this Spider plant in water is growing roots.
Nearly a month later on April 24th that same spider plant has quite a bit more roots.
Walking outside on April 14th showed the Peony bushes beginning their upward growth.
Almost 2 weeks later on April 26th showed that these guys mean business when it comes to growing.
Inside and out spring is changing the world around us every day. Some days in far more subtle ways than others but it's there. The spider plant growing may not look different from one day to the next but when it is growing in just plain old water you can see that not all the growth is above ground. A few warm days and leave buds on trees begin to open. One rainy day and you have to mow the grass.
As of next month I will have been truly gardening for 1 year. In that one year of gardening I have learned a lot. This spring I am very aware of what is happening around me. I notice ever tree and flower around me as they change. The wonders of Mother Nature are all around me.
Take some time between now and the end of April to take a look back at pictures you took last month and this month of certain plants. Write about it and post a link below. Lets see what the difference is in your gardens from one day or month to the next.
I created a meme for this called Changing Gardens. Not sure how often we will do it but I love looking back at pictures I took of certain things and looking at how they are now. So maybe 4 times a year or once a season we can step back and take a look at what is Changing in our Gardens.