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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Saved from Frost and Not so much

So I was lucky enough to have to forsite to try to bring inside a few of the veggies I have growing before a major frost.  In fact one of my tomato plants was brought in the day before a plant killing frost hit.  And man am I glad I did. 

As I was going thru the Greenhouse Saturday I noticed that my Greenpeppers had some new additions.  And not in the way of fruit.  New seedlings.  Silly pepper plants desided to have babies.  Not sure how that happend but well it did.  So knowing that even though they would be slightly protected with in the greenhouse I wanted to give these little ones a fighting chance and dug them up and potted em up and brought inside.

Yea they look a little weak but I think they will make it.  There is actually 2 peppers on one of them.  And these stems are all 1/2 the size of the Mommas in the greenhouse.

So now here is a look at the tomato plant that I brought in...before I dug him up.  Meet Bob JR
Yup he isn't very big but he has over 15 tomatoes on him.  So I thought he was worth saving.  That and he is completely unprotected out here in the garden.  So here is a look at JR after being dug up potted up and brought inside.

He was cut back a little.  Needed to remove some of the dead leaves but other than that he is looking ok.  Although small he has always looked a little wilted so kinda hard to tell if he is having issues or not.  But will keep an eye on him.

So as I said November 1st was a killing frost for me.  Aparently my greenhouse is great for the summer but unless I find a way to insulate it better not great for freezing temperatures.  On the greehouse floor all the herbs are doing great.  The Green Peppers so far seem to be handling it ok but my tomato plants.....not so much.  Bob and Bobbet being the tallest of the 4 are looking quite crispy.  So to show what the killer frost did to my greenhouse tomatoes meet the rest of the family.  Bob and Bobbet you know, meet the other 2 children Tom and Tomara....brother and sister to Bob JR.

Bob looking crispy at the top but seems to be ok closer to the floor. 

Bobbet my tall beauty is also crispy at the top but down low may be ok.
The biggest problem I have with Mom and Dad here is that they both have at least 6 tomatoes on them but they are near the top.  And only one or two if any are fully grown just waiting to ripen.  Going to leave them and hope for some warm weather or that just the leaves are really the only loss.

Now for the 2 kids in the Greenhouse.  Tom, Tomara, and Bob JR were all sown the same day but planted in different places.  Jr was transplanted first in the outside garden.  Tom and Tomara when transplanted went right to the greenhouse.

This is Tom.  He is about 1/2 the size of Bob JR but stands much straighter.  He does have a few blooms on him though.  And much like Mom and Dad a little crispy at the top.  Poor guy has not produced any fruit yet.  He just got his first blooms last week.

This cuttie here is Tomara.  Again like Tom is much shorter than their brother JR but again stands taller.  She had a few blooms soon after she was transplanted but she wasn't strong enough to hold the weight of a tomato so the blooms were pinched off.  Unfortunatly like Tom she has not produced any fruit.  She has no flowers right now either.  Tomara though seems slightly less effected by the cold than Tom was.  She has less crispyness.  As you can see in the picture the herbs in the pot in front of her are just fine.

With luck they can hold out a little longer and I can find away to insulate so that the greenhouse can at least stay around 40. Not great weather for them but at night they can take it. 

Something else that has been noticed during these past few nights of below freezing weather is that the greenhouse is one or two degrees higher it does drop in temp fast.  But once the sun is up....the temp rises.  And though it may only get to maybe 50 outside during the "heat" of the day where the sun is highest the temps inside still reach over 85.

Until next time....have a good one.  Keep warm.


  1. You name all your tomato plants ? :-)

  2. Well sorta. After teh Veggie Tales. It keeps the kids interested in what is going on in the Garden...

  3. I've never been able to get a tomato plant to actually give me a tomato. Might help if I had a greenhouse :D


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