Welcome - come enjoy my Garden with me

My Garden although it may be small is my garden. I love working in the garden and showing or telling others about it. While you are here take a look around. There is a lot to see. Take a look at the other blogs I love to read. Leave a comment if you like. But most of all. Enjoy your time here, and come back soon.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Harvesting Edible Garden Tour - A day late

Sorry all I lost track of what day it was.  Silly me.  Oh well.  So how is your garden growing?  Got anything edible that is harvesting this month?  I did and still do if you count my herbs.  Which for this month I am not.  See this month I want to show off my other harvests.  Yesterday's actually...Sunday I went shopping in the garden and came back with:

Some Corn on the Cob
 A few more cucumbers
 Hot pepper
And a few tomato's.

Not a bad day at the market if you ask me.  So tell me what you harvested this month.  Leave a link below to your post so others can join the tour and see what you harvested.

I can't wait to see how your garden is doing.

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