I found these....
....living on my Rose of Sharon plants. Some on one plant in the front yard, some on another in the back yard, and yet some more on another in the side yard. None of the infected plants are close to another one but are next to other Rose of Sharon plants....they seem to be fine though. In fact I have two babies right next to each other but only one is infected. They don't look like our normal green aphids but I am unsure as to what they are. Are they good or bad? If bad please someone help me find a chemical free way to get rid of them.
From what I can see I believe they are black aphids. I'm not sure of all ways to get rid of them. I know you can just hose them off, but I would think they'd just get back on. :) But worth a try.
ReplyDeleteCher Sunray Gardens
Did you ever get my email before I posted a great way to make your own bug spray for plants?
and this one for other bugs and stuff
Yup they look like Aphids, though the pic could have better focus. We used to use a mildly soapy water to spray the plants and it seemed to keep them off, if I'm remembering it right.