Given that I had to search the internet to find pictures of what each of my plants would look like at different stages I thought I would add a section here for each plant that I grow....from seed-harvest and beyond if possible. Growth Over time will be part of the Title and the lable.
So to the life of the Pea:
In the begining there is a seed. Either saved from previous years, given by a friend, or in my case bought from a store. The important part about this is chosing the kind of Pea you want. There are many and some will do better in your zone than others. Sometimes experimenting isn't a bad idea either though. The variety that I got on the package said 2' tall vines that need no support. Well that was wrong...they did....but besides that there is a lot of information on the back of seed packets so be sure to look. For this kind it said 63 days to harvest. This number is suppost to be from sowing to harvest not transplant to harvest...Mine? 66 day..not too bad if you ask me. Pretty darn close. So here are pictures of the plants at different stages/times. Hope this helps
Day 4
Day 7
Day 12
Day 13 After transplanted into Greenhouse
Day 24
Day 28 Showing signs of needing support
Day 49
Day 58 Buds have started to appear
Day 66. Harvesting ready pods
Day 69. After a few days of harvesting a few pods a day it looks as though they are starting to die off.
There are still flowers forming and a few pods still growing so I may get more out of them yet.
I hope that this is helpful to others
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