So you have desided to start a garden. What kind of garden shall it be? A container? Raised bed? Greenhouse, or just a section of yard? Well today we are going to talk about Container Gardening. The cool thing about this is the possibilities are virtually endless. You can pretty much grow just about anything in just about anything. The first picture off to the right here is a Sprout box. No growing medium of any kind just seeds and air...with a rinse of water at least once a day. This type is best for well alfalfa...start them in a ventilated dark room then move to a window or sunny area to turn them green. Although this is a special design you can make your own using a glass jar and some cheese cloth.
Next is for all the Mom's out there. You know all those baby wipe boxes you have laying around? Well they can be great for starting seeds. The fit in small area's they can fit up to 9 of the peat pellet pods, and it make use of those boxes. Depending on what you want to grow you could even just put some regular soil in the box and use it for herbs. Granted it needs to be a small plant and only 1 but hey....if nothing else it can be a conversation peice.
Next was a spur of the moment purchase. My mother and I were looking for a pot that was wide enough to create a mini herb garden....a few different types all in one pot. But all the traditional pots we found were so big. This pot how ever...though actually a bowl was just the size we wanted wide but short. Put some stones on the bottom then the soil and plants. Can be any shape, size, and even color. So this type can really fit who YOU are.
This last picture I am sure looks a little odd. But it is yet another way to start or even grow some plants. In this picture we have a small Mint stem in an effort to grow roots. Some times this works sometimes it doesn't. Some plants once essablished and have a good root system can actually be grown in a bucket of water.....even some veggies...
So as you can see plants can be grown in many different types and styles of containers....I proved it as we are growing something in all of these...(the mint stem is not but one of the leaves is actually starting to grow a root). So next time you go to throw out that baby wipes box or see a big bowl or even a 5gl paint bucket think of the possibilities.
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